Utilities That Display and Manipulate Files

aspell Checks a file for spelling errors—page 1089
cat cat [options] [file-list]—page 1098
cmp Checks whether two files differ—page 1113
comm Compares sorted files—page 1118
cp Copies one or more files—page 1122
cpio Creates an archive or restores files from an archive—page 1124
cut Selects characters or fields from input lines—page 1132
dd Converts and copies a file—page 1144
diff Displays the differences between two files—page 1149
find Uses criteria to find files—page 1165
fmt Formats text very simply—page 1174
gawk gawk [options] [program] [file-list] gawk [options] -f program-file [file-list]—page 1185
grep Searches for a pattern in files—page 1215
gzip Compresses or decompresses files—page 1219 ...

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