Advanced Exercises

10.Assume that your buffer contains the C code shown here, with the Major mode set for C and the cursor positioned at the end of the while line as shown by the black square:
* Copy string s2 to s1.  s1 must be large enough
* return s1
char *
strcpy(s1, s2)
register char *s1, *s2;
     register char *os1;

     os1 = s1;
     while (*s1++ = *s2++)

/* Copy source into dest, stopping after '\0' is copied, and
   return a pointer to the '\0' at the end of dest.  Then our caller
   can concatenate to the dest string without another strlen call. */
char *
stpcpy (dest, source)
     char *dest;
     char *source;
  while ((*dest++ = *source++) != '\0') ▀
     ; /* void loop body */
  return (dest - 1);
  1. What command moves the cursor to the opening ...

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