
Note: Only variables that must always appear with a leading dollar sign are indexed with a leading dollar sign. Other variables are indexed without a leading dollar sign.


! Boolean operator, 293, 588, 592, 650

! variable, 300

!! to reexecute the previous event, 300

!$ last word of the previous event, 302

# comment, 268, 492

# prompt, 428

# variable, 564

#! to choose a script shell, 267

#define C preprocessor directive, 480

#include C preprocessor directive, 482

$ in regular expressions, 900

$ in variable name, 280

$! variable, 563

$# variable, 357, 358, 548

$#argv variable, 358

$$ variable, 362, 368, 550, 562

$(...). See Command, substitution

$* variable, 565, 566

$, use with variables, 353

$< variable, 358

$? variable, 358,

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