
Page numbers in italics denote tables, those in bold denote figures.

absentee owner 9, 267, 28; domination of 1518, 20, 22, 42, 136, 1701; see also functionless investor

Absentee Ownership (Veblen) 231n22

absolute rent 10, 1617, 18, 21, 23, 42

absolute surplus-value 14, 56, 230n18

abstract labor 301

abstract risk: defined 1778; and derivatives 78, 1758

Akerlof, G. A. 147, 178

Althusser, L. 345, 63, 103, 149, 164, 190, 229n5, 233n7, 243n4, 243n8

animal spirits 21

arbitrage 81, 116, 242n14, 244n18; no-arbitrage principle (law of one price) 172, 173, 238n28; regulatory 81; and speculation 69, 70

Arrighi, G. 139

Arthur, C. 30

artificial monopolies 13, 39

asymmetric responses, European Monetary Union 220, 221

austerity 132, 185, ...

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