Preparing for the Security+ Exam

The Security+ exam is computer-generated. The exam is timed, and an onscreen timer clock displays the amount of time remaining on the exam. Most questions on the exam are multiple-choice. Multiple-choice questions are either:

Multiple-choice, single answer

A radio button allows you to select a single answer only.

Multiple-choice, multiple answer

A checkbox allows you to select multiple answers. Usually the number of correct answers is indicated in the question itself.

CompTIA reserves the right to change the testing techniques at any time. It is recommended that you visit the CompTIA Security+ certification web site regularly to get updates on any changes in the exam format. Individuals with adequate hands-on experience who have reviewed the Study Guide, performed the practice exercises, memorized the essentials, and taken practice tests should do well on this type of exam. Individuals who lack adequate hands-on experience and have not prepared appropriately will find the exam hard to pass.

CompTIA suggests the following tips for taking the exam:

  • Read the question slowly and carefully.

  • Do not expect to find clues in every question, though they may be present in some.

  • Be aware of the distractions/confusions in statements. The first choice is often the best choice.

  • Do not attempt to create situations based on a question. Your answer should be based on whatever information is provided.

  • If you are retaking the exam, utilize your previous score report to help you ...

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