Chapter 6

Gaussian Integrals

This chapter deals with properties of exponential functions which are density functions for the distribution functions of important classes of observables. (Density function is a point function for which the distribution function is the Riemann-complete indefinite integral.)

6.1   Fresnel’s Integral

The integrals


are well known in their familiar notation,


The latter integrals exist as improper or extended Riemann integrals. The familiar proof of the first one runs as follows.

Lemma 10


Proof. Let ρ > 0 and let


By Theorem 46 (integration by substitution), the Riemann integral


can be evaluated using polar co-ordinates (r, θ):


Letting ρ → ∞,


For λ = 1,2,3,… let Jλ = [−λ, λ] × [−λ, λ]. Then

If equation (6.2) is correct, it implies that βλ converges as λ → ∞, ...

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