Chapter 35. Scope Is the Enemy of Success

Dave Quick is the owner, chief architect, janitor, and sole employee of Thoughtful Arts. Thoughtful Arts develops off-the-shelf software for musicians and provides software design consulting for companies who develop music, or arts-oriented software.

Dave Quick
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SCOPE REFERS TO A PROJECT'S SIZE. How much time, effort, and resources? What functionality at what level of quality? How difficult to deliver? How much risk? What constraints exist? The answers define a project's scope. Software architects love the challenge of big, complicated projects. The potential rewards can even tempt people to artificially expand a project's scope to increase its apparent importance. Expanding scope is the enemy of success because the probability of failure grows faster than expected. Doubling a project's scope often increases its probability of failure by an order of magnitude.

Why does it work this way? Consider some examples:

  • Intuition tells us to double our time or resources to do twice as much work. History[2] says impacts are not as linear as intuition suggests. For example, a four-person team will expend more than twice the communication effort as a team of two.

  • Estimation is far from an exact science. Who hasn't seen features that were much harder to implement than expected?

Of course, some projects aren't worth doing without some built-in size and complexity. ...

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