
Note: Page numbers followed by b indicate boxes and f indicate figures.


A Better Mousetrap

description, 239f, 240

digital files, recording, 240

DKP/70 mm, Santa Monica, 241, 241f

IMAX theaters, 240, 241

Large-Format 3D Film Festival, 242b

LFCA film festival and conference, 241

six-channel sound mix, 240

A Lapse of Time, 22

Amaral, J.

3ality system, 53, 56

The Caretaker 3D (see The Caretaker 3D)

digital toolset identification, 51

3D View-Master, 49

Amazing 3D Post

editing system, 121

Les, S., 120f

Anaglyph filters

CG animation, 114f

damage, colors, 116


3D color stop-motion, 40

film historic stereoscopic program, 26

frame-for-frame, 29f

free visual quality and effective, 33f

incredible invasion, 25

Lentjes, puppet, 24f

productions, ...

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