
In this book, when we wanted to change values (location, rotation, speed) over the course of time, we used the Tween code collection.[18]

Building a Tween involves several parts. A Tween needs the starting value or values, the ending values, the time that it takes to move from the start to the end values, and a function that’s called as the Tween is running. A Tween also needs to be started and updated to work.

The Tween from Chapter 11, ​Project: Fruit Hunt​, contains a really good example.

​ ​new​ TWEEN.
​  Tween({
​  height: 150,
​  spin: 0
​  }).
​  to({
​  height: 250,
​  spin: 4
​  }, 500).
​  onUpdate(​function​ () {
​  fruit.position.y = ​this​.height;
​  fruit.rotation.z = ​this

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