Build a Raft for Racing

A donut shape will work very nicely as a river raft. Add the addRaft call to the code outline at the top of our code.

​ ​var​ ground = addGround();
​ ​var​ water = addWater();
​ ​var​ scoreboard = addScoreboard();
»​var​ raft = addRaft();

Again, this breaks things because there’s no addRiver() function yet. Let’s add it after the last curly brace in the addScoreboard() function.

​ ​function​ addRaft() {
​  ​var​ shape = ​new​ THREE.TorusGeometry(0.1, 0.05, 8, 20);
​  ​var​ _cover = ​new​ THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({visible: ​false​});
​  ​var​ cover = Physijs.createMaterial(_cover, 0.4, 0.6);
​  ​var​ mesh = ​new​ Physijs.ConvexMesh(shape, cover, 0.25); ...

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