Bonus #2: Flying Controls

If we make a space simulation, we’re going to want to fly through it, right? We can use the same controls that we used to fly through the planets in Chapter 5, ​Functions: Use and Use Again​. Start by loading the fly controls code collection at the very top of our code:

​ <body></body>
​ <script src=​"/three.js"​></script>
»<script src=​"/controls/FlyControls.js"​></script>

We will need yet another camera for this. Just below the moon-cam code, add a ship-cam:

​ ​var​ shipCam = ​new​ THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, aspectRatio, 1, 10000);
​ shipCam.position.​set​(0, 0, 500);
​ scene.add(shipCam);

Add the fly controls code just below that. (See The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

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