Building a Forest with Functions

We’ll need a lot of trees for our forest. We could build them one at a time, but we’re not going to do that. Instead, let’s add the following JavaScript after all of the avatar body parts:

​ ​function​ makeTreeAt(x, z) {
​  ​var​ trunk = ​new​ THREE.Mesh(
​  ​new​ THREE.CylinderGeometry(50, 50, 200),
​  ​new​ THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: ​'sienna'​})
​  );
​  ​var​ top = ​new​ THREE.Mesh(
​  ​new​ THREE.SphereGeometry(150),
​  ​new​ THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: ​'forestgreen'​})
​  );
​  top.position.y = 175;
​  trunk.add(top);
​  trunk.position.​set​(x, -75, z);
​  scene.add(trunk);
​ }
​ makeTreeAt( 500, ...

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