
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures, “b” indicate boxes and “t” indicate tables.’
Acoustic bioprinting, 137–138, 137f
AD-P-8000, 216–222
Affordability, 72
Agarose, 49–57
Alginate, 50–52, 147–148
Alpha/omega bioprinters, 207, 207f
Amniotic fluidederived stem cells (AFSCs), 50–52
Applications, bioprinting technology
cancer research, 293–294, 295t–299t
clinics, 286–287
drug screening, 288–293
high-throughput assays, 288–293
limitations, 294–304
bone tissue fabrication, 294–300
cancer research, 304
cardiac tissue fabrication, 300
cartilage tissue fabrication, 300
composite tissue fabrication, 302–303
drug screening and high-throughput assays, 303–304
future directions, 304–305
heart valve fabrication, 300–301
liver tissue fabrication, 301
lung tissue ...

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