As a promoter and founder of the World Internet Summit (WIS), I meet thousands of newcomers to Internet marketing every year. From this I have begun to recognize quickly the ones that will take action and apply what they learn, and even Tracy Repchuk surpassed those expectations.

Within the first five months she had already made $95,717, had more than 3,000 subscribers, and released a book to bestseller status from start to finish in 58 days; as a result, WIS flew her to Singapore to appear on stage as the “New Success of the Year” at the World Internet Mega Summit.

In the weeks after, she was already booked to appear at a UK show with her own product line and coaching program. Her title has become Marketing Makeover Maestro, as she has an incredible ability to take information and transform it into simple terms that allow anyone access to how to become a success using Internet marketing. She has a particular appeal to the female demographic and the newbies who want to succeed at the rate she has, which is now labeled a Quantum Leap.

I knew right away that she was a force to admire, and quickly invited her to speak around the world with the World Internet Summit organization. This book is a wonderful reflection of the care she takes to present a business approach to Internet marketing, combined with the reality of this abundant field.

It is my honor to be a part of this project, and I encourage you to follow her advice and combine the power of your passion with the provided ...

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