Multi-objective optimisation of the operation of a water distribution network

M. Mulhollanda, M.A. Latifib, A. Purdona, C.A. Buckleya and C.J. Brouckaerta,    aSchool of Engineering, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 4001, South Africa, bLaboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés (UPR n°3349), CNRS - ENSIC, Université de Lorraine, B.P.20451, 1 rue Grandville, 54001, Nancy Cedex, France


The aim was to move water through the reservoir network in such a way as to meet consumer demands and level constraints, minimise the cost of electricity, and minimise the loss of chlorine. This was to be achieved by choosing the switching intervals of reservoir inlet pumps and valves, at the same time complying with the allowed minimum interval size ...

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