Title, Roles, and Tasks

58% OF RESPONDENTS classified themselves as software developers or software engineers; their median salary is around $71K. When salaries are ranked by role, data scientist/ analyst is at the bottom:

  • $84K Consultant (3% of respondents)

  • $75K UX/Design (2% of respondents)

  • $72K Other (5% of respondents)

  • $71K Software engineer (58% of respondents)

  • $70K Data scientist/analyst (5% of respondents)

It seems strange that people in Consultant and UX/Design roles make more than software developers/engineers. This is probably due to the small number of respondents in these roles. Given more respondents, there would be a broader spectrum of possible salaries, and more companies and tasks represented, which would give us a better picture of the real salary levels.

As we move up the hierarchy, those with C-level titles (CTO, CIO, etc.) are paid a median salary of $102K, architect/technical leads make around $104K, and VPs/directors earn around $140K.

Software engineer/developer was the role the largest percentage of students identified as. Their median salary was $35K, half what their non-student counterparts are paid. Not surprisingly, there were no VP or C-level respondents in the student group, and only 6% listed themselves a technical lead (compared to 14% of non-students).


It seems strange that people in Consultant and UX/Design roles make more than software developers/engineers.


A lucky 3% of respondents don’t attend meetings, ...

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