
acceptance of supervision, 131

accomplishment, sense of, 168

ad hoc team, creating an, 83

advancement, personal, 24

advice, taking advantage of, 46

alone, making decisions, 24

analyze, how to, 15


servant-leadership, 130

approach, win-win, 34, 110–111

approaches, using different, 73

ask assertive, 105–106

asking questions, techniques for, 40–41


ask, 105–106

tell, 105–106


decisions and, 72

letting go of, 71

authoritarian decision, 32

authoritarian style, 32, 106


decision-making, 108

delegating, 137

having, to make decisions, 20

versus responsibility, 136–137

bad decision, risking a, 89


expected, 63

standards of, 85

bigger decisions, fighting fear of, 152–153

block, how to overcome a mental, ...

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