Chapter 79. Behind the Scenes: Support Role Recognition


Recognition is a great form of positive reinforcement. However, those support staff who aren’t on the front line can be forgotten when we hand out the award to the employees who had the highest sales or received the most customer accolades. Take time to single out those who are in support roles to help these outstanding service providers shine. And it isn’t necessarily the actual award that counts as much as the spirit in which it is given.


Create an award for those people who perform jobs that don’t usually put them in the limelight. The recognition can take any form, but it should have a specific name and be given specifically to someone whose work is generally low profile or out of sight. You might want to call it the “Behind the Scenes Award” or the “Supporting Cast Award.” Whatever you decide to call it, be certain to make a big deal about presenting the award and make sure that you present it on a regular basis.

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