Chapter 46. Library Dues: Development Resources


One way to keep your service representatives performing to their highest ability is to create a lending library that supports self-directed learning. It shows that the organization values the development of its employees and helps create an empowered working environment that increases job commitment.


Create a learning resource lending library:

  1. Set aside a separate small room or, if this is unavailable, a bookcase that is conveniently located in Human Resources or within a department.

  2. Collect a variety of books, audiotapes, videotapes, and magazine articles that aid employees in performing their jobs more effectively.

  3. Include the following topics: change management, communication, conflict resolution, customer service, goal setting, managing diversity, presentations, meeting facilitation, negotiation, problem solving, quality issues, stress, and time management.

  4. Use a sign-out sheet or computer database file that includes such information as the person’s name, department, e-mail address, and date.

  5. Put a time limit on how long the material can be kept out (2 weeks is a good standard) and send a reminder e-mail message if materials become overdue.

  6. Keep the information current by adding new resources.

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