Chapter 18. From Me to You: Focus on Others



To focus on others during the communication process. Participants will try to use the word “you” more than the word “I” while speaking for specified periods of time.

Time Required

Approximately 15 to 20 minutes

Group Size

Subgroups of three persons each


  • One sheet of blank paper and a pencil for each participant

  • Stopwatch or clock with a second hand


  1. Begin the activity by saying that it is often difficult for us to move away from our self-interest when we interact or communicate with others. Explain that the participants will have an opportunity to practice focusing on others in a more conscious way.

  2. Form subgroups of three persons each. Ask members of each group to count off as 1, 2, or 3.

  3. Distribute one sheet of blank paper and a pencil to each participant. Ask the participants to make two columns on the paper and mark one column I and the other one You.

  4. Explain that person 3 will be speaking to person 2 for 30 seconds about anything he or she would like to discuss. (Some suggested topics might be best vacation spots, favorite music, pets, hobbies, and so forth.) The object is to try to use the word “you” as much as possible and avoid using the word “I.” Person 1 will keep count of the number of times each word is used and record ...

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