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Mia Lisa Spon and Rui
Andersen Rodrigues
Diogo live and work
in Copenhagen. They
have worked together
as a design team for
more than four years.
After designing male
and female prêt-à-
porter collections,
jewelry, bags, and
identity programs for
various companies,
there came the recent
decision to start their
own project. Mia is a
trained tailor and has
worked for Danish and
Swedish fashion and
apparel companies;
Rui is a self-taught
arts entrepreneur that
started out with a
gallery and boutique
in Reykjavik and was
previously an arts
editor for the Danish
fashion magazine III.
The Spon Diogo woman
is urban, social, and
strong. The approach to
design is architectonic,
structural, graphic,
and strongly founded
on a love for luxurious
materials and detailed
tailoring work.
Spon Diogo
268 1,000 Ideas by 100 Fashion Designers
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