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Since 2006, the
Romanian avant-garde
fashion label Rozalb
de Mura has been
rediscovering fresh
moments from the past,
then setting them in
utterly contemporary
contexts–un inchingly
mixing real and
imaginary characters
and coolly playing with
time and space. The
memorable encounter
between the eccentric
character and designer
Olah Gyarfas happened
in 2006. Ever since,
the contemporary style
of the Transylvanian
designer, impervious to
short-lived trends and
marked by austere cuts
and exuberant details,
found an ideal platform
in the nonconformist
aura of Rozalb de
Mura label. The label
draws its ideas from
diverse references such
as the music of the hip
Swedish music duo The
Knife, walks on a frozen
volcanic lake, sci-
movies, and Cretan
cryptic notes.
Rozalb de Mura
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711 INSPIRATION. When I start a new
collection, I try to discover a “place” I’ve
never been to. It can be disconcerting at
the beginning; nevertheless, this feeling
of being immersed in a new world fuels
the imagination. Although my collections
are generally built around a theme, I
sometimes allow myself to be guided by
intuition and sudden gusts of inspiration.
712 W
ORKPLACE. The quiet
Transylvanian town of Miercurea Ciuc is
far from the temptations of a big city. The
pace of life is blissfully serene and out-of-
time. My studio has chocolate brown walls
and wooden benches, a lot of old frames,
paintings, white porcelain, a furand
manically ordered objects on my huge
working table.
713 M
ATERIALS. Its the theme of
the collection that dictates the choice
of fabrics, from a very arti cial and
electro-glamour feel, with metallic or
uorescent colors in “A cracked smile
and a silent shout” (2007) to an all black
look in cashmere, tweed, and polyamide
in “Thing” (2008). Plain, thin cotton is
revisited. I often dip it in a coat of paint
to give it the airiness of a dry leaf and the
porosity and volume of paper.
714 Y
OUR RIGHT ARM? Its much easier
when one doesn’t have to attend to all
the not-so-creative aspects of a job. I’m
lucky because I have a marketing team
that I totally trust. I have great freedom
but still need to take into consideration
their opinion and respect some rules we
past, with its fabulous costumes, artisans, and techniques
is always a great source of inspiration. You churn it
through your own personal philter and you get that unique,
contemporary touch.
234 1,000 Ideas by 100 Fashion Designers
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716 BRAND VA L U E S . Rozalb de Mura
is the name of a  ctional character we
invented–mysterious, anachronical,
generous, an enthusiastic traveller in space
and time, passionate about art, music,
nature, and science. The public is expecting
the next dimension of the story that comes
with each collection.
717 S
TYLE. I’m very eclectic in my
choices. For example, I adore minimalism,
and paradoxically enough, the  amboyant
exuberance and foolishness of the eighties.
The outcome might be described as a well-
balanced mix of ideas, apparently classical
cuts and unexpected details. I want my
style to retain a contemporary look, with a
vaguely perverse air here and there.
718 I
S FASHION ART? In the twenty- rst
century, boundaries between fashion,
art, and design became charmingly
blurred. Rozalb de Mura is where fashion
and art collide. In the latest project, we
commissioned the British sound artist
Mikhail Karikis to compose the music for
our show at Ideal Berlin and OnIOff in
London and he commissioned us to make
clothes for his performances and a special
drawing for his Morphica album.
719 SALES. My main concern is to tell a
story and to communicate a vision, but I’m
aware of the practical side as well: learn
feedback, have a good mix of products,
establish the right price. In Romania,
there is not much support for developing
a business in this  eld, therefore its hard
for a young label to build an international
pro le. Being in the right place (showroom,
catwalk show) in the right moment helps
a lot.
720 Y
OUR RIGHT ARM? People wearing
the clothes and getting emotionally
involved with Rozalb de Mura stories. Like
a small community, we try to coagulate.
Certainly, working with fabulous musicians
and performers like Patrik Wolf, Brazilian
Girls, Róisín Murphy, Loredana, Andi
Vasluianu, or Anamaria Marinca is also
a great reward of this work.
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