Lidija Kolovrat 179
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Bosnian-born artist,
designer, healer,
and teacher, Lidija
Kolovrat, has been
based since 1990 in
Lisbon, Portugal.
Her local studio is
the platform for sale,
research, work, and
discoveries. Working
womenswear and
accessories since
her early years in
Zagreb, Lidija started
showing her  rst entire
menswear collection in
March 2006 at Lisbon
Fashion Week. With
a strong, innovative,
and crashing vision,
her menswear has
been around now
for years. She has a
approach to her work,
taking everything
from the particular to
the whole, observing
everything in its
entirety. In her words,
design follows the
inherent nature that
goes,  ows, and talks
in objects. She regards
fashion as a  eld where
one can express and
melt art, politics,
human behavior, and
social need.
Lidija Kolovrat
© Gonçalo Gaioso
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© Patricia de Melo Moreira
© Patricia de Melo Moreira
© Alexander Koch
531 INSPIRATION. Before I start the
collection, I recognize my feelingsthat
is the initial start of any reasoning. It is
therefore more like a sensation from which
the themes and sensations come out of
organ ically.
532 D
things start from initial reason-feeling,
everything that gets developed falls into a
place or it’s eliminated.
533 C
OLORS. It is like a melody. It tunes
the light. Therefore it can be lighter or
heavier. Again, it is something intuitive, it
comes to express the same feeling or take
away from the initial idea and use it as a
534 B
RAND VA L U E S . I promise research
and constant appreciation.
BELONGING. I pretty much
defend freedom and, therefore,
individuality. I work from that
point. It is also very interesting
to  nd and use common
sense. These two ideas are
not necessarily opposite. Just
through the matter of liking
them or not, I can decide between
perspectives: individual or group
© Patricia de Melo Moreira
180 1,000 Ideas by 100 Fashion Designers
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© Ricardo Quaresma Vieira
© Patricia de Melo Moreira
© Ricardo Quaresma Vieira
536 COMMUNICATION. Communication
is very important for me, but that does not
mean that I am good at it.
537 E
VOLUTION. I feel that I need to
be alive at every moment and to interact.
Therefore, in some way there is always
work being generated.
538 I
S FASHION ART? I think I have the
posture of an artist but what my exercises
are about is that my body is mind-need
situated and vice versa, as well as body
with the object and reverse. My latest
project is relating mind and space with the
body in the middle.
539 A
DVICE. The original feeling
of things will always give the result
accordingly, it is mathematical.
540 A
praise is when people love my work!
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