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Catalan Eva Riu
and native of Madrid
Alberto Gabari met
at ESDi, the design
college in Sabadell
where they both studied
graphic design. After
graduating, they each
went their separate
ways–Albert went for
illustration while Eva
was more interested
in fashion–until
three years ago, when
they decided to work
together and create
The Mystic Onion.
The collections they
make are limited and
exclusive, with creative,
quality pieces that seek
to create a link between
fashion and artistic
expression. In addition
to their collections,
they also participate
in events, exhibitions,
performances, and
festivals. The Mystic
Onion is currently
distributed in a number
of European countries
including Spain, Italy,
Belgium, and Denmark.
Eva Riu, Alberto Gabari/The Mystic Onion
94 1,000 Ideas by 100 Fashion Designers
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