Cora Groppo 77
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Cora Groppo was born
in Argentina in 1971
and studied fashion
design at the University
of Buenos Aires. After
working for well-known
Argentinean labels
like Vitamina and
Yagmour, she started
her own, Coragroppo, in
1987. At  rst, she sold
haute couture gowns
and wedding dresses.
For the past seven
years, Coragroppo has
presented itself as an
urban fashion label with
two stores in Buenos
Aires. Groppo opened
the  rst of these in
Palermo Viejo six years
ago and the second, in
the Recoleta district
four years ago. Cora
Groppo’s collections are
sold in countries such
as the US, Spain, the
Netherlands, France,
Britain, Indonesia,
Mexico, and Chile,
and have appeared as
features in international
publications, among
them Elle, Vogue, and
Cosmopolitan. Cora
Groppo opened her  rst
European store in Rome
in 2009.
Cora Groppo
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concept always has something to do with
one or several construction techniques, its
easier for me to apply it to other products.
It is also very interesting because the
different materials generally enrich the
193 M
ATERIALS. I’m not biased. I
like to try out new things. I am very
demanding with qualitynot only with the
raw materials, but also with how the fabric
is made. I like noble fabrics, generally with
Lycra. I also like to work with knitted
fabrics. Fabrics inspire me.
194 C
OLORS. I generally choose the
same colors. I very much like and am
interested in working with single colors
in one garment, only changing the nature
of the material. I don’t like strong colors,
and those that are “in” even less. I have
my own palette of grays, beiges, naturals,
blues, blacks, and browns. I don’t normally
work with color contrasts and I take the
liberty of repeating myself on this point.
195 B
RAND VA L U E S . Cora Groppo
promises intellectuality.
NSPIRATION. For me, every collection comes out of the previous
one. The  rst step is to continue researching the last theme to  nd
a new technique that lets me start again. My search is related with
inventing a technique for construction. To  nd it, I do tests on a
mannequin that turns and that enables me to work the body by
going around it, by handling fabrics, and experimenting.
78 1,000 Ideas by 100 Fashion Designers
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Cora Groppo 79
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experimentation based on tradition and
making use of technological resources.
Success comes from designing something
that can later be manufactured without
hand  nishing. I think designing a
signature piece is fundamental. I often
achieve this at the end of the collection,
when all the resources I was researching
are brought together.
197 C
OMMUNICATION. I am personally
in charge of publicity. Im not particularly
interested in knowing a lot about the rules
of marketing. I’ve come to realize that the
most important thing is the product. It
has to be able to communicate everything
you think. At the heart of things, my
form of publicity is the tool for expressing
ourselves. Im not trying to convey pre-
meditated messages.
198 E
VOLUTION. I feel that I have to
push myself to excel every six months.
It’s incredible how untiring it can be.
Con dence and consistency are two basic
rules for building up a creative space and
for putting a team together that identi es
with the project.
199 S
TYLE. With time, I’ve come to
understand how important it is to hold on
to certain things without losing the ability
to surprise, which isn’t easy. In order
to create an identity, you have to keep
working on certain elements that interest
you, such as the palette, the study of
morphology, textures, and proportions.
200 A
ve minutes of glory during the runway
show are pure adrenalin, the real approval
or genuine success is in a product that is
irresistable to clients, and that they  nally
end up choosing to buy.
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