Carlota Santamaria, Susana Del Sol/just4fun 59
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This is a design studio
involved in different
areas of fashion: fashion
design, coolhunting,
fashion journalism,
and photography. Its
purpose is to create
a fashion project
not restricted by
conventional fashion
industry standards, like
seasons and large-scale
manufacturing; and the
results are unique and
original pieces. They
are in collaboration with
small local workshops
and a female prisoners
rehabilitation center
who produce leggings,
jumpsuits, and tube
skirts from fabrics
that the just4fun team
chooses personally in
stores around their home
city of Barcelona, or on
trips to Paris, New York,
Tokyo, or any market in
any part of the world.
Carlota Santamaria, Susana Del Sol/just4fun
© Carlota Santamaria
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© Carlota Santamaria
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131 INSPIRATION. The start of just4fun
was a line of basics differentiated by their
prints and limited editions. The choice of
fabrics would be our link with inspiration,
which comes from our feelings and passions.
132 D
We don’t work with a concept for our
collection, as they tend to do in fashion.
We have one basic and permanent concept:
unique pieces, regardless of the season.
The most important principle is to put into
practice our Social Care Manufacturing
system. Everything is 100% made in
Barcelona by very specialist workers
in small local workshops involved in a
program for the social rehabilitation of ex-
prisoners. We like to think that the person
using our clothes feels like they are a part
of a common project.
133 Y
OUR RIGHT ARM? Being a twosome,
we rely on each other for everything. The
idea came from both of us. It was a fusion
between the one’s passion for leggings
and the other’s taste for prints. Both of us
know clearly what the brand means and we
mutually support each other.
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RAND VA L U E S . We do limited
editions and fun prints that show
solidarity. We believe that that is enough
to make you feel different when you use
just4fun. You’re part of a project that
disassociates itself from the conventional
fashion system.
ATERIALS. We choose stretch
fabrics because our pieces are  tted.
We choose them one by one, and we
search the world for special prints.
It’s easy to lose track and the
next minute you’re imagining its
movement on a leg; you get excited
and can’t wait to have it made so
you can wear it. Prints change a lot
when you make them up. Its not the
same to see it as a 1-meter length
and to then see it as leggings with a
25-centimeter leg measurement. The
sketch is different; and thats a point
to keep in mind.
© Carlota Santamaria © Carlota Santamaria
© Carlota Santamaria
© Carlota Santamaria
60 1,000 Ideas by 100 Fashion Designers
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