30. The More Uncertain People are, the More they Defend their Ideas

I’m a staunch Apple convert. I wasn’t always an Apple fan; I used to be a Windows/PC person. Realize that I go all the way back to when PCs first came out. I used to have a marvelous “portable” PC that ran on a CPM operating system and had two (count ‘em, two) 360 KB (yes, I said KB) floppy disk drives (in other words, no hard drive). I was a PC person, not an Apple person. Apples were for teachers and then later, for artsy people. That was not me.

Fast forward to today and I will be talking on my iPhone, while charging my iPod for my afternoon exercise, while transferring a movie to my iPad from my MacBook Pro, which I might decide to watch on my television via Apple TV. What ...

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