
I want to thank several people who have helped me along the way to the world of stock market trading.

First, I want to thank the professors at Oklahoma State University, where I obtained my degree in civil engineering. They instilled in me the belief that with the right set of rules and formulas, there isn't any problem that can't be solved.

The next person I want to thank is Augie Gale. If only you had whispered in my ear, "Go into the stock market, Mike," it would have not taken me so long to arrive at this wonderful place. I am grateful he ignited the spark.

To my loyal partners in this business, I want to thank you for your sound counsel. I appreciate your dedication to our purpose of helping individual investors reach their financial dreams.

Tom Meyer, where would I be today, if I hadn't met you! You were the first one to see the vision. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for your optimism and can-do attitude!

Ira, what an iconic sage you are. Always ready to teach and forever keeping me out of trouble. I tell everyone you're the smartest trader in the world. Thank you, man!

I also want to thank my dear friends, Charlie and Kay Liles, for their remarkable efforts to read and critique the first very rough drafts (numerous times). You are wonderful people, fun to be around, and scholarly to boot! Thanks for everything!

Thanks also to Ken, my "unofficial director of quality assurance" and fellow engineer. Your help has been insightful and your encouragement has ...

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