Scripting Extension Function Using Inline Script Code

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" 
<xalan:component prefix="trig" functions="sin cons tan atan">
  <xalan:script lang="javascript">
    function sin (arg){ return Math.sin(arg);} 
    function cos (arg){ return Math.cos(arg);} 
    function tan (arg){ return Math.tan(arg);} 
    function atan (arg){ return Math.atan(arg);} 
<xsl:variable name="PI" select="4.0 * trig:atan(1.0)"/>
<!-- ... -->

Saxon currently supports JavaScript, NetRexx, BML, JPython, Jacl, JScript, VBScript, and PerlScript, but appropriate extensions need to be obtained from third parties supporting the respective languages. See for details.

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