


xs:enumeration, xs:maxExclusive, xs:maxInclusive, xs:minExclusive, xs:minInclusive, xs:pattern, xs:whiteSpace

The xs:double type represents a double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating-point number. In addition to the digits 0–9 (and only those digits, not other Unicode digits), a leading plus or minus sign, and a single decimal point, xs:double also accepts scientific notation and the values INF (infinity), -INF (negative infinity), and NaN (not a number). If scientific notation is used, the mantissa may be a decimal but the exponent must be an integer. No preceding plus sign may be used on the exponent, but a preceding minus sign is acceptable. An E or an e separates the mantissa and the exponent. Legal values include 3.14159265358, -2.32E90, 1.7E12, 1.7E-12, 0, and −0.

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