



A schema-wide setting for whether the form attribute on xs:attribute elements should default to qualified or unqualified (the default).


A schema-wide setting for whether the block attribute on xs:element and xs:complexType elements should default to #all or some combination of extension, restriction, or substitution.


A schema-wide setting for whether the form attribute on xs:element elements should default to qualified or unqualified (the default).


A schema-wide setting for whether the final attribute on xs:element and xs:complexType elements should default to #all, extension, or restriction.


A URI that is the namespace used by all components defined in this schema. If no target namespace is specified, the elements and attributes will be in no namespace unless, perhaps, they are included by xs:include, which may assign a different namespace to unqualified components.


The version of the schema this particular document represents.


The human language used to write the schema.


((xs:include | xs:import | xs:redefine | xs:annotation)*,
 ((xs:simpleType | xs:complexType | xs:group |
  xs:attributeGroup) | xs:element | xs:attribute |
 xs:notation), xs:annotation* )*

xs:schema is the container element in which all other schema components must be placed. Its attributes set the target namespace used throughout the schema as well as a number of defaults for other declarations.

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