
rng:list — Breaks an element’s character content or an attribute value into whitespace-separated strings

XML syntax example

<element name="type" datatypeLibrary="
 <attribute name="values">
   <data type="int"/>
   <data type="int"/>
   <data type="int"/>

Compact syntax example

element type {
 attribute values { list { xsd:int, xsd:int, xsd:int } },


attribute, choice (( ) and |), define (name of pattern followed by =), element, except (-), group (( ) and ,), interleave (&), list, mixed, oneOrMore (+), optional (?), start (start followed by =), zeroOrMore (*)


The list pattern matches a whitespace-separated list of values in an instance. list actually splits text nodes into tokens separated by whitespace, which allows each token to be matched individually by a RELAX NG pattern. If multiple child patterns are present, they are treated as if they were wrapped by a group pattern. To match possible multiple tokens, a list pattern should contain an explicit or implicit group pattern, a zeroOrMore pattern, or a oneOrMore pattern.

See also

§7, param, text, value

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