
rng:externalRef — References an external schema

XML syntax example

<element name="date" xmlns="
 <element name="year">
 <externalRef href="month.rng"/>
 <externalRef href="day.rng"/>

Compact syntax example

element date {
  element year {
    list { "2002" | "2003" | "2004" | "2005" | "2006" |
    "2007" }
  & external "month.rnc"
  & external "day.rnc"



The location of the external schema


attribute, choice (( ) and |), define (name of pattern followed by =), element, except (-), group (( ) and ,), interleave (&), list, mixed, oneOrMore (+), optional (?), start (start followed by =), zeroOrMore (*)


The externalRef pattern references an external schema, in effect replacing the instance of the externalRef element with the content of the external schema. The external schema must contain a pattern.

See also

§9.1, include, parentRef, ref

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