




Creates a reusable XSL fragment that can be inserted verbatim at given points by invoking its macro name. A macro is defined using the <xsl:macro> element and can be inserted into an XSL document using the <xsl:invoke> element, as shown:

<xsl:macro name="warning-header">
    <B>WARNING! </B>
<xsl:template match="warning">
  <xsl:invoke macro="warning-header">

This example places the HTML bold letters ”WARNING!“ in front of any child elements of the <warning> element in the target document. When the macro is invoked, the contents of the <xsl:macro> element replace the <xsl:invoke> element. In addition, the <xsl:contents/> element, seen in the macro itself, are replaced with the contents of the <xsl:invoke> element.

XSL macros are allowed to take arguments using the <xsl:macro-arg> element.

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