


This class is a scaled-down version of the J2SE TimeZone class. It represents a geographic time zone and can be used in conjunction with the Calendar object. Time zones can be created by passing in an ID, such as “America/Chicago” or “GMT,” to the static getTimeZone() method. To check the available IDs recognized by this class, call the getAvailableIDs() method. An object representing the current time zone of the device can be obtained with the static getDefault() method. getOffset() returns an integer milliseconds offset, which you add to the GMT time in order to get the current time, taking into account daylight savings, while getRawOffset() simply returns the geographic offset in milliseconds. To test whether the TimeZone object is currently using daylight savings in its calculations, call useDaylightTime().

public abstract classTimeZone {
   // constructor
   public TimeZone();

   // static methods
   public static TimeZone getTimeZone(String ID);
   public static TimeZone getDefault();
   public static String[] getAvailableIDs();

   // public instance methods methods
   public abstract int getOffset(int era, int year, int month, int day,
      int dayOfWeek, int millis);
   public abstract int getRawOffset();
   public abstract boolean useDaylightTime();

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