10.2 Speeding Your Test Development with NUnit Code Snippets

OK, so we all agree unit tests are a great thing. We also all agree that writing repetitive code is boring and unproductive. It’s silly to continually write short pieces of code like the following skeleton for a test-fixture class when the same pattern is used for every fixture you create:

public class NUnitTestFixture
    Public void Setup( )

Snippet creation in Visual Studio 2005 is rather frustrating and much more complicated than it should be. You’re forced to deal with raw XML or work with a tool like Snippy to more or less kludge something together.

Fear not! Scott Bellware, a longtime .NET developer and MVP, has come to the rescue with NUnit Code Snippets for Visual Studio 2005. His library of snippets easily installs into Visual Studio 2005’s snippet library and gives you the ability to generate significant portions of your NUnit code with just a few simple keystrokes.

Among others, Bellware’s library of snippets includes templates for the most frequent NUnit tasks:

  • Asserts: AreEqual( ), AreSame( ), IsTrue( ), IsFalse( ), IsNull( ), IsNotNull( ), and others

  • Setup and Teardown methods

  • Test cases (creates methods decorated with the Test attribute)

  • TestFixtureSetup and TestFixtureTeardown methods

    NUnit Code Snippets for Visual Studio 2005 at a Glance


    NUnit Code Snippets for Visual Studio 2005

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