Searching for Photos

Once you’ve put in all the time required to flag, caption, rate, and people-tag your pictures, you’re finally ready to enjoy the fruits of your labors. You can round up certain photos with ridiculous amounts of specificity (Figure 17-13).

On the Ribbon, click the Find tab. Build your search like this:

  • Pinpoint the date of the desired photos using the Dates, Months, and Years pop-up menus. You can click, say, the 2012 icon to see just the ones you took during that year.


    Photo Gallery shows only the months and dates in which you actually took pictures; that’s why, for example, 2013 may show only April, July, and October.

  • Pinpoint who’s in the photos by clicking the thumbnail headshots.

  • Pinpoint the photos’ ratings using the Ratings pop-up menu.

  • Pinpoint the descriptive tags using the Tags pop-up menu.

  • Pinpoint the photos you’ve flagged using the Flagged pop-up menu.

  • Use the Published, Edited, and “Media type” pop-up menus to further characterize the pix you’re looking for.

  • Using the “Text search” icon, find photos according to the text associated with them: their names, captions, geotags, or folder locations (that is, their folder paths).

    As you type, you filter the thumbnails down to just the pictures that match what you’ve typed so far. You don’t have to finish a word, press Enter, or use wildcard characters (*).

    You can type two words (or parts of words) to find pictures that match both. To find all photos of Zelda in Brazil, typing zel br will probably do the trick. ...

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