



This is the root element of an HTML document, meaning all other elements are contained within it. The opening <html> tag is placed at the beginning of the document, just after the document type declaration. The closing tag goes at the end of the document.


Internationalization(lang, xml:lang, dir)

version="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"

Deprecated in HTML 4.01. In HTML, the value of version is a Formal Public Identifier (FPI) that specifies the version of HTML the document uses (the value above specifies 4.01). In HTML 4.01, the version attribute is deprecated because it is redundant with information provided in the DOCTYPE declaration. In XHTML 1.0, the value of version has not been defined.


XHTML only. Required. In an XHTML document, this declares the XML namespace for the document.

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