Text and backgrounds

When styling text for print, it is best to specify dark type on a light background. Not only is it more legible, but it saves on toner. Most browsers don’t print background images by default, but it doesn’t hurt to turn them off with a style rule explicitly to make sure nothing hinders the readability of the text.

Also, as mentioned in the example, font size is best specified in points for print, as they will be handled more predictably than pixels.


Background images don’t print out by default (although users may change that in the browser preferences). This means that any text replaced by background images according to CSS image replacement techniques (see Chapter 24) may cause content to be lost. If you do use image replacement, make sure those styles are targeted to screen only and not all by default (see the earlier "Screen Versus All" sidebar). The other option is to rewrite styles in order to override the techniques in the print style sheet.

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