Other CSS 2.1 pseudoclasses

In addition to the anchor pseudo-classes, the CSS 2 specification introduced additional pseudoclass selectors. Be warned, however, that they are not well supported at this time.


This targets elements that have focus, such as a form element that is highlighted and accepting user input. Although CSS 2 permits :focus to be applied to any element, it is currently only supported for use with the form elements. Netscape 6 supports :focus with a, input, textarea, and select.

Example: input:focus {background-color: yellow;}


This targets an element that is the first occurring child of a parent element. It allows you to select the first paragraph of a div or the first li in a ul, for example.

Example: li:first-child {font-weight: bold;}

:lang( )

This targets an element that targets elements for which a language has been specified. It functions the same as the lang|= attribute selector, but may be more robust.

Example: p:lang(de) {color: green;}


Browser alert: Internet Explorer for Windows does not support :focus or :first-child in Versions 6 and earlier. Support in IE 7 (in beta as of this writing) is undocumented. Internet Explorer 5 for Macintosh, Netscape 6+ and Opera 7+ do support them. Internet Explorer 5 for Macintosh is the only browser that supports the :lang pseudoclass as of this writing.

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