
The table element accepts the following attributes for controlling borders and rules between cells and around the table. All of the attributes introduced here apply to the table element only. None of these attributes are deprecated, but authors are urged to use CSS for drawing borders around table elements instead.


Controls the width of the frame around the table. The default value is 1.


Specifies the sides of the table on which the frame should render. By default, the frame is rendered as a shaded, 3D style rule. The frame attribute uses these keyword values: void (no frame), above (top side only), below (bottom side only), hsides (horizontal sides), lhs (lefthand side), rhs (righthand side), vsides (vertical sides), box (all four sides), and border (all four sides).


Specifies which rules render between the cells of the table. One use for this attribute might be to display rules only between certain sets of columns or rows, as defined by colgroup or the row group elements (thead, tbody, and tfoot). The accepted values for the rules attribute are all, cols, groups, none, and rows.

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