MathML (Mathematical Markup Language)

MathML is an XML application for describing mathematical notation and capturing both its structure and content. The goal of MathML is to enable mathematics to be served, received, and processed on the World Wide Web. The MathML 2.0 Recommendation was released by the W3C Recommendation in October 2003.

Because there is no way to reproduce mathematical equations directly using HTML, authors had resorted to inserting graphical images of equations into the flow of text. This effectively removes the information from the structure of the document. MathML allows the information to remain in the document in a meaningful way. With adequate style sheets, mathematical notation can be formatted for high-quality visual presentation. Several vendors offer applets and plug-ins that allow the display of MathML information in browser windows.

For examples of MathML, see the Recommendation at The main MathML page ( is a good starting place for information.

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