2xx Successful Response

200 OK

This code indicates the request was successful. For GET requests, the body of a 200 response contains the entire object requested.

201 Created

This code informs the client that its request resulted in the successful creation of a new resource, which can now be referenced.

202 Accepted

This code means that the client’s request was accepted and scheduled for further processing. The request may or may not be successful when eventually acted upon.

203 Non-Authoritative Information

This code may be used in place of 200 when the sender has reason to believe the information in the response’s entity headers is different from what the origin server would send.

204 No Content

This code is used in cases where the request was successfully processed, but the response doesn’t have a message body.

205 Reset Content

This code is similar to 204. The request was successful and the response doesn’t include a message body. Furthermore, this code instructs the client to reset the document view—for example, by clearing the fields of an HTML form.

206 Partial Content

This code may be used in response to a range request (a.k.a. partial GET), whereby the client requests only a subset of the object data.

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