
Terminate Event


Private Sub Class_Terminate( )


The Terminate event is fired when the last instance of an object or class is removed from memory.

Rules at a Glance

  • The Terminate event applies to classes defined with the Class...End Class construct.

  • Instances of a class are removed from memory by explicitly setting the object variable to Nothing or by the object variable going out of scope.

  • If a script ends because of a runtime error, a class’s Terminate event isn’t fired.


The following example shows a typical terminate event in a class object that decrements a global instance counter used to ensure that only a single instance of a particular utility object is created. When the counter reaches 0, the global object reference to the utility object is destroyed.

Private Sub Class_Terminate( )

    glbUtilCount = glbUtilCount - 1
    If glbUtilCount = 0 then
        Set goUtils = Nothing
    End If
End Sub

Programming Tips & Gotchas

  • The Terminate event is designated in code as:

    Class_Terminate           ' Correct syntax

    This contrasts with the documentation, which incorrectly indicates that the event procedure should be designated as:

                            classname_Terminate       ' Incorrect syntax

    where classname is the name of the class whose Terminate event is being trapped.

  • The Terminate event is also fired when the object variable holding a reference to the last instance of an object is re-referenced in a Set statement using the New keyword, or is assigned a reference to a new instance of the same type of object is explicity ...

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