
Left, LeftB Functions


Left(string, length)

Use: Required

Data Subtype: String

The string to be processed.


Use: Required

Data Subtype: Long

The number of characters to return from the left of the string.

Return Value

Left and LeftB return a variant of subtype String.


Returns a string containing the leftmost length characters of string.

Rules at a Glance

  • If length is 0, a zero-length string (“”) is returned.

  • If length is greater than the length of string, string is returned.

  • If length is less than or Null, the function generates runtime error 5, “Invalid procedure call or argument,” and runtime error 94, “Invalid use of Null,” respectively.

  • If string contains Null, Left returns Null.

  • Left processes strings of characters; LeftB is used to process binary data.

Programming Tips & Gotchas

  • Use the Len function to determine the overall length of string.

  • When you use the LeftB function with byte data, length specifies the number of bytes to return.

VBScript/VB & VBA Differences

There are no Left$ or LeftB$ functions available in VBScript.

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