
DDB Function — Microsoft.VisualBasic.Financial


DDB(cost, salvage, life, period[, factor])
cost required; Double

The initial cost of the asset

salvage required; Double

The value of the asset at the end of life

life required; Double

Length of life of the asset

period required; Double

Period for which the depreciation is to be calculated

factor optional; Double

The rate at which the asset balance declines. If omitted, 2 (double-declining method) is assumed; however, the documentation doesn’t mention what other values are supported or what they mean

Return Value

Double representing the depreciation of an asset


Returns a Double representing the depreciation of an asset for a specific time period. This is done using the double-declining balance method or another method that you specify using the factor argument.

The double-declining balance calculates depreciation at a differential rate, which varies inversely with the age of the asset. Depreciation is highest at the beginning of an asset’s life and declines over time.

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