
IIf Function




IIf(expression, truepart, falsepart)

Use: Required

Data Type: Boolean

Expression to be evaluated


Use: Required

Data Type: Any value or expression

Expression or value to return if expression is True


Use: Required

Data Type: Any value or expression

Expression or value to return if expression is False

Return Value

The value or result of the expression indicated by truepart or falsepart


Returns one of two results, depending on whether expression evaluates to True or False

Rules at a Glance

  • IIf will evaluate only one of truepart or falsepart, depending on the value of expression.

  • The IIf function is the equivalent of:

    Iftestexpression Then
        Return truepart
        Return falsepart
    End If
  • truepart and falsepart can be a variable, constant, literal, expression, or the return value of a function call.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

  • The IIf function is ideal for very simple tests resulting in single expressions. If you really feel the need, IIf function calls can be nested; however, your code can very quickly become difficult to read. The following code fragment illustrates the use of a nested IIf function:

    Dim x As Integer
    x = CInt(Text1.Text)
    MsgBox(IIf(x < 10, "Less than ten", IIf(x < 20, _
               "Less than 20", "Greater than 20")))
  • In previous versions of VB, developers tended to avoid the IIf function in favor of the If statement for all but the most simple uses because of its poor performance. In VB.NET, ...

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