
Hashtable.Item Property





Use: Required

Type: Hashtable object

A reference to a Hashtable object


Use: Required

Data Type: Object

The key whose value is to be retrieved

Return Value

An Object representing the value associated with key


Returns an Object that is the value associated with a particular key/value pair.

Rules at a Glance

  • Item is the default property of the Hashtable object, and since it is parameterized, we can write:

  • Item is a read/write property. In other words, you can use the Item property to retrieve the value belonging to a particular key, as well as to modify the value belonging to a particular key.

  • If key does not exist in the hash table when you attempt to retrieve a value, the Item property returns Nothing.

  • If key does not exist in the hash table when you attempt to modify a value, the key and its associated value are added to the hash table, as a sort of implicit add. For example, if the key "AK" does not exist in a hash table, the code fragment:

    hshStates.Item("AK") = "Alaska"

    adds the key "AK" and its associated value, "Alaska".

Programming Tips and Gotchas

  • To guard against inadvertently adding a member to the hash table when you intend to modify an existing value, call the ContainsKey method beforehand.

  • You can also retrieve individual members of the Hashtable object by iterating it using the For Each...Next statement. Each iteration of the ...

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