
rpcclient commands


Aside from a few miscellaneous commands, the rpclient commands fall into three groups: LSARPC, SAMR, and SPOOLSS. The function names mentioned in some of the commands are those documented in the Microsoft Platform SDK.

General commands

debuglevel level

Sets the debugging level to level. With no argument, the current debugging level is printed.


Prints help on the commands.


Exits rpcclient. A synonym is exit.

Local Security Authority Remote Procedure Calls (LSARPC) commands


Lists the types of privileges known to this domain.


Lists the domains trusted by this domain.

getdispname priv_name

Prints information on the privilege named priv_name.

lookupsids name

Finds a name that corresponds to a security identifier (SID).

lookupnames sid

Finds the SID for one or more names.


Queries the LSA object.


Lists SIDs for the local LSA.


Prints information on security objects for the LSA.

Security Access Manager RPC (SAMR) commands

createdomuser username

Adds a new user in the domain.

deletedomuser username

Removes a user from the domain.

enumalsgroups type

Lists alias groups in the domain, along with their group RIDs. The type argument can be either builtin, to list Windows built-in groups such as Administrators and Power Users, or domain, to list groups in the domain. See also the queryuseraliases command.


Lists the groups in the domain, along with their group RIDs.

queryaliasmem user_rid

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