Mailing Lists

There are three mailing lists for tcsh.

To report bugs, send a message to . You need not be a member of tcsh-bugs to send such mail, but please be sure that what you are reporting is a bug and not simply something that you do not understand. tcsh-bugs is not for general tcsh consulting. Therefore, don't send "how do I… ?" or "how does … work?" questions; such questions will go unanswered. The newsgroup is a better forum for general consulting questions.

The tcsh and tcsh-diffs mailing lists are for developers who want to help maintain tcsh (discuss and implement new features and fix bugs). The two lists are related. tcsh-diffs subscribers get all the tcsh list traffic, but also receive patches for each development release.

To subscribe to any of these lists, send a message to . The body of the message (not the subject line), should contain one of the following lines:

subscribe tcsh-bugs Your Name
subscribe tcsh Your Name
subscribe tcsh-diffs Your Name

Substitute your real name for Your Name.

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